Showing posts with label strategic planning. Show all posts
Showing posts with label strategic planning. Show all posts

Sunday, March 26, 2023

Health care will continue to be a driver of entrepreneurship, business, and Philippine economy

Every generation needs a revolution - an entrepreneurial revolution

A famous surgeon in working with a billionaire businessman owning strings of hospital across the country,  mentioned while doing a surgery on my elbow that a hospital where he has invested in now valued at P60m  That was the bid of the billionaire.   And that was from an investment of only P1 million 4 years ago.  Tnat is a lot  of ROI

I mentioned that health care will continue to be source of growth in the economy  Everybody gets sick (and for the memorial park, everybody dies;  it cant be avoided)   Health care will continue to flourish despite all negative predictions about global economy

The good surgeon was former student at GSB, and he must have learned a couple of great things about business while under my tutelage  This post was also engaged to conduct an organizational and strategic planning for the said hospital during the formative stage

Saturday, November 12, 2016

Facilitation for a food company's strategic planning for the next five years

Every generation needs a revolution - an entrepreneurial revolution

                    The facilitator together with the President
              center and the members of the family, the board
              members at the atrium of the hotel for the final
             session,  The facilitator still wears the signature I AM
             BEST  t shirt which the theme of the conference

We just concluded a strategic planning conference in a posh hotel at Camp John Hay amidst pledges and grand dreams:

The food company which is all ready amongst top 5 in the industry resolved to double its sales in five years (until 2021) via following strategy:

1.  entering Vismin market
2.  establishing a canning line of products
3.  establishing a brand management group to support sales to plan promotions and ads
4.  investment in automated plant facilities to be more efficient and save operating expenses\
5.  quality products

These are all meant to benchmark the strategies of the top food company and score higher in cpm critical success factors.  This author tried to explain very hard that being one of the top 4 being almost there, what separates them from the top are areas where they score low.  They were asked objectively if they score high in all.  And only in 4 out of 10.

I pray that my efforts and the resources expenses are resources well spent and are investments rather than expenses (became useless)   Its good that the board who joined the conference are seeing it that way.  It was explained by the new brand chief that its should be treated that way especially that the top notcher in the field has the strategy of continuously "investing  in brand equity."

Final closing session  (Day 2)

                         The story of the  carabao keeping
                              pace with the rabbit

                                   Together with the Best staff

Thursday, October 6, 2016

Facilitating a strategic planning conference for a food processing company

Every generation needs a revolution - an entrepreneurial revolution

Rizal Philippines
October 6, 2016

Image result for strategic planning

Image result for strategic planning

I was invited to be a facilitator for strategic planning conference of large food processing company based in Central Luzon.  It is a two day conference and there will be 30+ participants that include the top management and stockholders and department heads.

They will do it in Baguio, and yesterday we talked about some details of the conference:  agenda, the assignments, the objectives (what is what is not) the fees etc.

Why me?  They say they know me (they were my students in Entrep at Clark:   one chief CFO and the other is chief marketing and that I am not only an academician, but also a professional (a practicing businessman and entrepreneur)  Probably I will do better than the other one.

I explained the exclusion:   I cant cover family dynamics (since this is a family owned business) execution and leadership since they are different issues all together.  Together, we may be able to come out with a plan, a strategy that will make them the Philippines best in their niche