Showing posts with label leadership. Show all posts
Showing posts with label leadership. Show all posts

Friday, January 12, 2018

Unity of direction strong leadership is essential for business success

Every generation needs a revolution - an entrepreneurial revolution

Rizal Philippines
January 18, 2018

Image result for unity of command principle of management

Image result for unity of command principle of management

Henry Fayol said in his one of  his principles of management "Unity of Direction  ie that the organization must take command from a center from a leader. It means that there should be only one conductor in an orchestra, one chef running the kitchen.Too many cooks spoil the broth.

I learned this lesson the hard way.  Being a good brother I followed to the letter the instruction of our parents to divide the estate equally among the 5 children. Which I did.  Not knowing that they will take control and kick me out of the board in accordance with Sec. 28 of corporation code (the  majority (2/3) of the board can kick you out without any reason whatsover

To wit:

Sec. 28. Removal of directors or trustees. - Any director or trustee of a corporation may be removed from office by a vote of the stockholders holding or representing at least two-thirds (2/3) of the outstanding capital stock, or if the corporation be a non-stock corporation, by a vote of at least two-thirds (2/3) of the members entitled to vote: Provided, That such removal shall take place either at a regular meeting of the corporation or at a special meeting called for the purpose, and in either case, after previous notice to stockholders or members of the corporation of the intention to propose such removal at the meeting. A special meeting of the stockholders or members of a corporation for the purpose of removal of directors or trustees, or any of them, must be called by the secretary on order of the president or on the written demand of the stockholders representing or holding at least a majority of the outstanding capital stock, or, if it be a non-stock corporation, on the written demand of a majority of the members entitled to vote. Should the secretary fail or refuse to call the special meeting upon such demand or fail or refuse to give the notice, or if there is no secretary, the call for the meeting may be addressed directly to the stockholders or members by any stockholder or member of the corporation signing the demand. Notice of the time and place of such meeting, as well as of the intention to propose such removal, must be given by publication or by written notice prescribed in this Code. Removal may be with or without cause: Provided, That removal without cause may not be used to deprive minority stockholders or members of the right of representation to which they may be entitled under Section 24 of this Code.

Having learned the lesson the hard way (I do not get my dividends, I cant get back my investment for some of the projects, the business is going haywire -  lose of direction, lose of focus, mistakes in decision making. Well the siblings left are old and mature enough to know what they are doing but to what extent?) I should have done the following:

     1. Should have a holding company (which I had  majority control of ) to hold stocks of subsidiary companies;    and strong corporate staff to oversee all the business. Initially we had that
    2. Always be the majority - 50% + 1, or have proxy votes signed from among others or voting trust agreement.

Democracy has no place in corporate governance.  The very term itself defines how to run a business group - to govern. Short of being a monarch or dictator.

That is the only way.   When the organization is in disarray, the end is in sight.

I know of one group - of professionals who had equal voting rights. and their only key resource is a huge  loan from a govt bank  However their weakness now is:

     1   Giving management responsibility to each stockholder, even if he/she is not lacks management
          expertise in that area;

    2.  Having job rotation in top exec position

    3.  No central control or supervisory board to supervise how other boards are doing

    Since they are equals, no one can mind and change errors of colleagues And when the mistakes pile up...

Even if there are subsidiaries, there should be strong central management, as we have one President who should be respected and followed

Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Critcal traits of a leader

From Entrepreneur

What is leadership?  Many of us mix up leadership and management or even mistake this for charisma as if magic.

But leadership goes beyond that.  Sometimes it means forcefulness, or sustained forcefulness.  I involves courage and audacity to stand up for what is right and correct.

Friday, November 15, 2013

More education on and learning needed by public sector in crisis management?

 Makati City, PHL    November 15, 2013


Ochoa, Almendras now in charge of relief operations

We were discussing with some AGSB professors critiquing the management and leadership of the Yolanda typhoon victims relief operations. We may say that the way CNN criticized PNOY was uncalled for but our kababayan were at the bad end of mismanagement and lack of forceful leadership. 

The supertyphoon was bad enough but the allegations on the challenges of  the ground operations definitely needed improvement:    relief distribution, relief , id of the dead, their retrieval and burial, security, cleandliness and clearing operations, and even handling of pr and interviews.  We were pitiful due to the typhoon, and we were sorry mess in the management of the crisis.  Some further  education of public sector is  needed on how to manage and lead such difficulties

Education leads to better action and handling of difficulties.

We had an MBAH student before who was the deputy of the Disaster Coordinating Council a Dr. and I gave my kudos for the able handling of the disaster in Infanta and Real Quezon (he handled it better than Americans handled Katrina victims)  He became a congressman in the central Visayas.  People were satisfied with how handled the disaster.

Ondoy relief efforts under Dr. Golez



Friday, August 9, 2013

A manager's guide to having the tough talks

More bookmarks for articles on leadership

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Date: Fri, Jun 28, 2013 at 10:17 PM
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How leaders lose wars by winning battles | Tim Cook is betting his pay on Apple's success | ChangeLabs CEO: Why change requires action, not just acceptance
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June 28, 2013
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Leading EdgeSponsored By

How leaders lose wars by winning battles
It's possible for bosses to be correct on the facts but wrong from a management perspective, says Delphix CEO Jed Yueh. Browbeating workers into agreeing with your position can demoralize them over the long haul. "You have to understand how to win wars, not individual battles. If you don't manage yourself very well, it's hard for you to maximize the performance of a team," Yueh says. The New York Times (tiered subscription model) (6/28)
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Tim Cook is betting his pay on Apple's success
Apple CEO Tim Cook has announced he'll voluntarily give up as much as 33% of his stock-based compensation -- worth about $130 million by Tuesday's stock price -- if Apple stock ranks in the bottom third of the Standard & Poor's 500 over the next eight years. That's an admirable gesture of self-accountability with no hidden upside for Cook, writes Steve Tobak. "Tim Cook is putting his money where his mouth is, $130 million of it. He's sending a message to boards, executives, and business leaders across America," Tobak writes. Fox Business (6/25)
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Strategic ManagementSponsored By

ChangeLabs CEO: Why change requires action, not just acceptance
Change can be addressed in a way that differentiates your company from competitors, says ChangeLabs CEO Peter Sheahan, but doing so requires four action-oriented steps -- question, align, reposition and collaborate. "It turns out that just being open to change and acknowledging it and being willing to do something about it is not enough," he said. EHS Today (6/25)
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Adults still have a taste for Lucky Charms
Sales of Lucky Charms are up 14.5% this year by one estimate, largely thanks to adults who reportedly make up more than 40% of the brand's consumer base. "We know that adults have always loved Lucky Charms and by reconnecting them with the brand, we have reignited their love of one of their favorite things from childhood," said Carla Vernon of Lucky Charms owner General Mills. Bloomberg Businessweek (6/28)
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Lead-to-Win: Managing People, Process and Technology
Read research from the Aberdeen Group on how top-performing sales teams are using contemporary technology tools to reduce their sales cycles and increase their win / loss "batting average". Learn how to better leverage people, process and technology to optimize your sales cycles. Download the free Aberdeen report now.

Innovation and CreativitySponsored By

How innovation helped a National Semiconductor plant survive
National Semiconductor put its plant in Greenock, Scotland, up for sale in 1998 in a bid to reduce costs, but the threat of closure led the plant's management team to pull off a surprising turnaround. New efficiencies were found to cut production costs by 50%; site managers drove innovation by partnering with universities and research programs; and local executives aligned their efforts with the global parent. (Sweden) (6/28)
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Apps for Disaster Planning
Best disaster preparedness apps from TechSoup donation partners, government agencies, and nonprofits. Tech Soup, by Ginny Mies

The Global PerspectiveSponsored By

Startups bring India's unorganized workers in from the cold
More than 90% of India's workforce belong to the informal sector, but a number of startups are aiming to give these workers the training and infrastructure they need to join the formal workforce. "Skilling a person and giving him or her a fungible asset like a training certificate, creating job opportunities, and bridging the gap between demand and supply are all crucial steps," says Dilip Chenoy, head of the National Skill Development Corp. Knowledge@Wharton (6/27)
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4 Tips For A More Effective Attribution Strategy
How do you measure digital advertising success? Learn what metrics truly matter in order to evaluate and optimize your investments. This Digital Marketing Depot white paper discusses attribution approaches, emerging challenges and best practices for improving the performance of your display campaigns. Download it now!

Engage. Innovate. Discuss.Sponsored By

A manager's guide to having the tough talks
Managers inevitably need to have difficult conversations about employee performance, workplace problems or when it's time to let workers go. You're paid to confront these issues, so get to it, writes Dan McCarthy, who includes helpful links to help managers take on 10 common workplace problems. SmartBrief/SmartBlog on Leadership (6/27)
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Download a new commissioned Thought Leadership Study conducted by Forrester Consulting on behalf of Amazon Webstore
The Agility Imperative: Embracing Software-As-A-Service To Drive Customer Intimacy In A Fast-Changing World. Learn the tactics successful online retailers are using to create long-term customer value. Download Free!

Daily Diversion

The cost of a lie? $54
Tim Green is a professional liar. For $54, Paladin Deception Services provides cover for cheating spouses, fake medical notes for malingering employees or bogus references for job-seekers. "I believe that my moral compass is intact," he says. "We are not breaking any laws, and if we help people out, I feel like we are doing a positive service." Pioneer Press (St. Paul, Minn.) (6/25)
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Hire right and fire right, and that's pretty much all you have to do to be a great manager."
-- Jed Yueh, CEO of Delphix, as quoted in the New York Times
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