Showing posts with label Ateneo. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Ateneo. Show all posts

Thursday, December 14, 2017

Whose MBAH program is better - that of AGSB or those who do their programs off campus?

Every generation needs a revolution - an entrepreneurial revolution

Rizal Philippines
December 15, 2017

Image result for AGSB + MBAH

This author handled at least 5 MBAH batches at AGSB.  I thought an elective - Entreprenuershhip an elective which in effect covers the entire spectrum of management:  finance, marketing, operations, and even general management

I also heard about off campus programs of MBA hospital administration in our area because there are several hospitals that have sprouted all over the place. And may be DOH requires MD administrators to take up MBAH

I have been asked several times to assist some students with their case analyses and final paper.  As I interviewed the students regarding the approach and methods of instruction.  I realized how far away they are from AGSB methodology.   Theirs are pedagogical, rather than analytical.    I suppose the MBA that they took were equally shallow and has not transformed the students into high caliber medical directors.

Lately I have given horror stories of mismanagement  by CEOs and even Chair of distinguished hospitals with practices that are not in keeping with sound management practices and which puts to shame the grad school where they  took up their MBA.

Am I glad to have taught at AGSB, and was part of its history. Certainly one of the  best MBA schools in the country.  (May be during our time) and the new batch of Prof will level up that stature

Image result for AGSB + MBAH

Image result for AGSB + MBAH

Sunday, February 23, 2014

TOSP awardees who were/are Entrep Students

There must be at least 6 entrep students who were TOSP Ten Outstanding Students of the Philippines awardees:

1.  Elma Arboleras  (from MM)

2.  Bong Canlas (from Clark)

3.  George Parilla (from Cebu

4.  Dr. Jopet Syquia at MBAH

5  Gedwin (Spentrep)

6.  Dr Rio Abrenica (now works with Abbott) at MBAH

God bless them and may they do well to be further outstanding especially in Nation Building

Friday, February 14, 2014

Bomb Threat the Loyola Campus

Rizal  Philippines |  February 14, 2014

 EVACUATED. Students of the Ateneo de Manila University were asked to vacate the campus. Photo by Colene Arcaina

From Rappler

It is Happy Valentine's Day today.  and double 14.  What an auspicious day.

However, two days ago it was not well in Loyola campus.   And every one was scared.   The Loyola staff had to evacuate the entire campus, at all schools:   grade, high school, Loyola. The anonymous text messages (two in all could not be taken lightly)  The text messages read:  : “MAY MGA BOMBA NA SASABOG SA ATENEO. PANIGURADONG MADAMING ESTUDYANTE AT EMPLEYADO ANG MAMATAY. 30 MINUTO MULA NGAYON.” (Bombs will explode in Ateneo. Surely many students and employees will die. 30 minutes from now).

 I was told at the AGSB faculty lounge yesterday afternoon,  by Ms. Isabelle, a journalism adjunct professor whom I met yesterday.

The QC police and NBI  cleared the area and the University was reopened in the afternoon at 4mp, and the threat was declared a hoax by QC police

Thursday, February 13, 2014

Only 4 Entrep Professors Remain at AGSB

Makati  Philippines  February 13, 2014

We had a cluster meeting with Prof Dr. George Fong whom I learned took over Ms. Winnie Constantino who has or will be resigning together with several others faculty.   I just learned that there are only 4 remaining Entrep professors for elective:   Prof Glen San Luis (mentor of yours truly and Dr. Tony)  Dr. Tony del Carmen, Dr. George Fong,  and yours truly.  This was our first meeting in several years.  We had a plenty under Col Sibal.

Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Changes at the GSB in 2014


 From Ateneo scholar - appointment of Dean Ang at AGSB by Fr. Jett

Welcome 2014, welcome new Dean Ang at AGSB!  Best wishes Dean Albert!

In March , Dean Albert will retire, and in comes the new Dean Rudy Ang.  I met him last week, and was going to teach Marketing that day.

Just what is going to happen to AGSB?

Saturday, December 7, 2013

Getting into a start up accelerator (or test your business idea in a tiangge)

From the next web/entrepreneur

From Smartbrief
 8679752247 14021d6e69 b 730x486 How to get into a startup accelerator

December 7, 2013

These are tips for start ups wanting to join the accelerator program.  These are new terms for me and I am playing catch up.

Start ups are collaborative incubators that help you develop your product, sell it, and find investors.  There are hundreds in USA, but getting into these is challenging.  So it is good to have pre accelerators

The post here are advice coming from Seedcamp and Oxygen Accelerators.

Some tips (taking part in pre accelerator)

1.  Explain your idea in simple terms

2.  KISS (keep it short and sweet)

3.  Be original

4.  Show that your business has traction Read the other tips.

For me the accelerators in the Philippines would be the tiangge/viajeros.  I have talked to one of their leaders and really they have great ideas, and had mentored many entrepreneurs.  I am taking great interest in handling tiangges, tiangge malls because it helps a great deal of entrepreneurs, and you develop a lot of networks, and money too.

It is a brutal test.  And a rewarding place to be if you can sell and have a lot of followers/customers

Thursday, November 14, 2013

Responsible Management Education Forum at AGSB starts today November 14, 2013

The Fourth Regional PRME (Responsible Management Education) forum sponsored by Ateneo, De La Salle University and Asian Institute of Management starts today, November 14, 2013.  Registration starts at 8 am and forum starts at 9 am.  The forum  covers such topics as green innovation, sustainable business and development (maybe this topic of global warming) climate change, profit with honor.  Tomorrow, the jailed CFO of Enron David Fastow will talk.

Students and friends of Ateneo are invited to attend/join this forum.

PRME forum at AGSB at APS auditorim, November 14 to 15, 2013

Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Fourth Regional (PRME) Forum at AGSB November 14 to 15, 2013 at APS Auditorium


4th Regional Responsible Management Forum in Asia at AGSB

The dean texted me yesterday that there will be a PRME forum to be held at the APS Auditorium 9 am to 5pm from November 14 to 15 (that will be tomorrow until Friday) on Responsible Management Education.  It will be sponsored by Ateneo, AIM and DLSU.  The title of the Forum is 4th PRME Regional Forum in Asia:  Sustainable Business for Common Good - Preparing Asian Business Leaders for Today and Tomorrow"

Here is the complete text of the announcement:

UPDATE: In spite of the recent storm that devastated many areas of the Philippines, the 4th PRME Asia Forum will still take place on 14-15 November, as scheduled.

We invite you to join the Global Compact in supporting the relief effort.

We are pleased to announce the opening of registration for the 4th PRME Regional Forum Asia, "Sustainable Business for the Common Good: Preparing Asia’s business leaders of today and tomorrow,” which will be hosted by the De La Salle University Ramon V. del Rosario College of Business, in collaboration with the Asian Institute of Management and Ateneo Professional Schools, in Manila, the Philippines, on 14-15 November. 

In the current academic environment, corporate responsibility and sustainability have entered but not yet become embedded in the mainstream of business-related education. PRME is therefore a timely global call for business schools and universities worldwide to gradually adapt their curricula, research, teaching methodologies, and institutional strategies to the new business challenges and opportunities.
The main goals of the 4th PRME Regional Forum Asia include:

  1. To follow through the commitment discussed during the first three PRME Asia meetings;
  2. To strengthen the Asia PRME network, to establish the Asia Chapter, to organise the core group of the Asia Chapter;
  3. To deepen the understanding of responsible management education in the Asian context:
    a. Identify what we have in common;
    b. Share and agree what can be done together;
    c. Present and discuss leading edge models and approaches to management education; and
  4. To encourage networking and build links among the delegates for possible collaborative projects.
Kindly register here. For more information, please visit the event webpage, where you will find a copy of the agenda and address questions about the meeting here.
The 1st PRME Regional Forum Asia was hosted by Kyung Hee University School of Management, the 2nd PRME Regional Forum Asia was hosted by the School of Economics and Management at Tsinghua University, and the 3rd PRME Regional Forum Asia was hosted by Keio University.

We look forward to seeing you in Manila in November!

We invite every one to attend, especially entrep students.  This is something new.  On Friday, the fmr jailed CFO of Enron,  David Fastow will talk.


Tuesday, August 20, 2013

The latest slideshare presentation by ProfJorge on Introduction to Entrepreneurship

This is the latest slideshare presentation on introduction to entrepreneurship.  It is very comprehensive and latest.  The examples presented in earlier versions have become obsolete and some of the important points were missed out or were not explained well

Sunday, June 30, 2013

AdeMU will defend 3 championship titles at 76th UAAP

Manila PHL   |  June 30, 2013

I was watching ANC Sports Unlimited hosted by Dyan Castillejos (I was unable to bike because of the rain) She did a feature on Ateneo champion teams (of the 75th UAAP):   basketball, football, and swimming. The 76th UAAP will soon be underway

There is a greater on the Ateneo team to defend the titles:  the other teams are more competitive and they have strong recruitment efforts too.  AdeMU has recruited many Fil Ams and foreigners for its teams.  For the basketball, the topliners are gone.  Even in football, many mainstays are on sabbatical.

I had to do this post because one of the former students at Spentrep Ivan Brian Uy was an MVP of UAAP swimming.  They practice 6 hours a day and training is both physical and psychological.  I have maintained that training for business entreps and sports are the same.  There is a need for mastery of basics, of science in order to win.  To win both in business and in sports, you need discipline and hard work.

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

7 Advice from Atty. Christian Gerona

Atty. Christian Gerona, the CEO of Manship, a ship and manning company, is a pinchhitter for a guest entrepreneneur who did not make it.  Good thing, Arlene Gerona, she was able to call in her husband for this talk.  Atty Christian is a blue blooded Atenean from Grade school up to law but is a entrepreneur by heart.

>At the age of 6, when given a passbook by his grandmother, he stroved very hard to add something to he pass book.

>At the elem school he gathered softdrink bottles to redeem the 25 cents deposits;

>In high school, he borrowed comics books from a relative, rented the same to dorm mates.

>In college:

      he made money on siopao from his his car;

      made money on Isaw from UP;  <bought them l peso at UP, sold for 3 pesos at the dorm)

     even set a gambling joint.

     he became a millionaire while in college, dealing in Motorola micro tac.  Unfortunately, the fortunes changed when telco went digital.

His advice:

l.  Be shameless (in order to remove boundaries)

2.  Be opportunitistic.  Think of earning, think of making money.  Think of "ano ba raket natin?"

3.  Be bold be brave.  Make a leap of faith that the venture will make money.

4.  Be frugal.  Separate personal and business account;    pay yourself a salary;

Expenses must always be less than sales.  Cut costs at all costs.

5.  Be patient;  wait for the opportune time;   making money takes time;  do not fall for get rich quick scheme.  You must know that you could be one of the fatalalities of brutal game of business

6.   Be pragmatic.  Know when to quit when losses mount.

7.  Be thirsty for knowledge.   Atty still buys one book a month, despite the fact that he knows a lot all ready.  When meeting people, rather than boasting, he tries to know more from the person he is conversing with. <He made this 7th advice as he drank when he was thirsty>

He is now into shipping and manning of maritime industry because he was able to help a lot of people in their cases.  He specialized in maritime and admiralty laws.   His company, Manship has over l,500 staff and manages over a 100 ships.   His Master earns an average of $30,000 per month.