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Showing posts with label smartbrief. Show all posts

Saturday, December 7, 2013

Getting into a start up accelerator (or test your business idea in a tiangge)

From the next web/entrepreneur

From Smartbrief
 8679752247 14021d6e69 b 730x486 How to get into a startup accelerator

December 7, 2013

These are tips for start ups wanting to join the accelerator program.  These are new terms for me and I am playing catch up.

Start ups are collaborative incubators that help you develop your product, sell it, and find investors.  There are hundreds in USA, but getting into these is challenging.  So it is good to have pre accelerators

The post here are advice coming from Seedcamp and Oxygen Accelerators.

Some tips (taking part in pre accelerator)

1.  Explain your idea in simple terms

2.  KISS (keep it short and sweet)

3.  Be original

4.  Show that your business has traction Read the other tips.

For me the accelerators in the Philippines would be the tiangge/viajeros.  I have talked to one of their leaders and really they have great ideas, and had mentored many entrepreneurs.  I am taking great interest in handling tiangges, tiangge malls because it helps a great deal of entrepreneurs, and you develop a lot of networks, and money too.

It is a brutal test.  And a rewarding place to be if you can sell and have a lot of followers/customers

Friday, August 9, 2013

Fwd: Are you really ready to launch a startup?

Feed from Smartblog;   bookmarks on various management tips and advice.

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Date: Tue, Jul 9, 2013 at 3:30 AM
Subject: Are you really ready to launch a startup?

Fitly connects families to healthy eating | 10 ways to be a better leader offline | What "Duck Dynasty" can teach you about building your business
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July 8, 2013
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Building Trust in Targeted Online Advertising — Giving Consumers Transparency, Notice and Choice in the EU
Recent Online Behavioural Advertising (OBA) rules are now enforcing ad networks, advertisers, and publishers to remain transparent with their consumers. Learn how to comply with the new rules, as well as easily provide consumers the notice and choice that they desire through TRUSTe's EU Solutions. Download the free white paper now.

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The Whole Entrepreneur

Are you really ready to launch a startup?
Before moving ahead with a new business venture, you should make an honest assessment of your potential and ensure that you have the necessary passion, according to entrepreneur Andy Palmer. Also, make sure you're willing to team up with other people if needed, and know what kind of operating style your finances dictate, he advises. Inc. online (free registration)/The Hungry Start-up Blog (7/2)
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The best reason to start a company is because you are passionate about it."
-- Entrepreneur Andy Palmer, as quoted by Inc. online.
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