Showing posts with label Notes. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Notes. Show all posts

Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Notes on the Spentrep Class

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Jorge Saguinsin <>
Date: Tue, Sep 10, 2013 at 5:53 AM
Subject: Notes on the Entrep Class

Hi John:

Thanks for volunteering to do the inspirational video.  I was excited and touched by your presentation.  Congratulations

May I request the following:

1.  That I be sent by your goodself the updated class list.  I understand there are new enrolees/transferees.  Please include the ID number  (Martin Revilla and Rachelle)

2.  The group list

3.  The seating arrangement. (This will help me remember names)

Notes on the assignment

In our excitement last night, I forgot to clarify the assignment:

1.  Next week, our Group Creative Activity will be product concept and prototyping.  For this I plan that the groups will be doing a dry cooking in class.  The dry cooking will involve as the main ingredients:  strawberries and bell pepper.  Each group will create a menu (in writing) and prepare other ingredients for two dishes:   one sweet, and the other sour as predominant taste  The groups shall:

      l.  Prepare prior to the class other ingredients and or materials that they may use.

      2.  We do dry cooking/preparation in the class

      3.  I will request Ana will help me in grading.  I understand she loves to cook

2  As to other assignments:

    l.  Please follow the procedures prescribed in the syllabus in sending your assignments:  id your assignment, no attachments, etc. Please send this to the proper blogsend addresses.

   2.  As to the NU 12, be sure they are SMART ones:   not broad or general ones but are concrete, specific and actionable.

   3.  Factors paper are not slideshare materials: ordinary uploading through blogsend will do.  Special Reports are to be uploaded to slideshare;   IVs are to be uploaded to third party video providers:  Daily Motion You Tube etc.  You are to send me clickable links or embed codes.
Kindly acknowledge and contact me soon if you have other questions, concern.

What is the feedback on how the class is being received/perceived by other classmates?

Prof Jorge Saguinsin


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