Showing posts with label Philip Kotler. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Philip Kotler. Show all posts

Tuesday, July 23, 2024

Strategizing on Kotler's 4ps of marketing

Every generation needs a revolution - an entrepreneurial revolution

No its not the Phil govt program vs poverty  -  Pantawid sa poverty program.  

Philip Kotler popularized the 4ps of marketing:


Of course, marketing must remember that you sell in order to have margins for future costs.  It is no brainer if you give away your products

A good marketing program is an interplay of these elements, not equal but one or two greater emphasized than others

They used to say that build a better mousetrap, and the buyers will come to your door.  Product strategy rarely works by itself alone  It is true that when you have a quality and durable product people will buy your product.  

But you need this to be affordable also (price)  You cant price yourself out of the market.  

You need to promote -  advertise, give discount, conduct events to make your product to be known to many.

And lastly you have to have a channel:
      .1.  Brick and mortar store
       2  DM
       3.  Facebook
       4.  Affiliate marketing
       5.   Sales force

Again you cant be all to every buyer at the same time.  You cant make a nice product, sell this cheap, advertise this heavily, pay tops in commission to agens Just choose one or two and pour your resources into this.   

Strategy is a choice of resources to employ to achieve your objectives.