Showing posts with label vision. Show all posts
Showing posts with label vision. Show all posts

Sunday, June 30, 2024

Keeping steadfast to corporate vision and mission - how to run a business

Every generation needs a revolution - an entrepreneurial revolution

My late father was a lawyer.  But he advised us when we were in business not to let lawyers run the business.   In contracts, the businessman decides what he wants to agree on and directs the lawyer to draft the contract legalese.  Therefore, avoid suing and going to courts.

The business must concentrate on providing value to the customers ie removing pain, and providing gain.  Building the system, the processes, the inputs and ensuring customer satisfaction and experience.

Therefore do not be the first to sue, try to settle the issue without the courts or the lawyers, because you expend resources, energy and the passion in the court case. And distracts you from the main vision and mission of the company.  We experienced having a partnership with a party who did nothing but sue us.
Now that we dont have inventories, we heard that she is impoverished.    Talk about Karma.

Some companies just do that:  continuous lawsuits, motions etc to run the business.  Some high tech companies even the top 20 in the world have been known to spend so much on patent infringement, and endless conflict on competitors.  We have not heard of any innovation from the company as it was doing before   May be too much attention on suing.  

Is it a good business practice to sue?

Wednesday, February 1, 2023

Internal memo on sales marketing, business operations, vision, cash flow, sales cycle, AATR

Every generation needs a revolution - an entrepreneurial revolution

To:      All

Thru:   ; VM MRSS

cc:         RG

Subject:     Regular Posting at Holy Garden Philippines Network and standards

This mail will be read thoroughly  only by passionate individuals,  professionals who want to SUCCEED.  

1    As per VISION Cash flow and sales business model, in order to reach:

                    VISION   you need Cash Flow
                    CASH FLOW  you need sales
                     SALES to achieve this you need

                             1   AVAILABILITY
                             2   AWARENESS
                             3.  TRIAL
                             4  REPEAT SALES

2   For awareness you need:

                  1.  Advertisement
                  2   Promos
                  3.   Events

3   For AWARENESS you need

                 Above the line tasks:

                     1  Paid media
                      2  soc media
                          Google ads

                   Below the line


4. No awareness, no SALES NO VISION
    A business without sign (ads or tarp) is a sign of no business

                1  No one reads the newspaper anymore, news can be had at Google discover or Yahoo news
                2  No sees the outdoor billboard anymore;   during travel on the road every body stares at their android (except the  driver)
                3 Less TV time, more you tubers and Netflix users


6.   We must use the CP, the smartphone,, the android as a potent tool for marketing and sales (as criminals no longer use guns and knives to steal
       money  -  only CP

7.   When we post on the CP (android smartphone) we must strive to stop the gaze the attention on our post as he navigate the cellphone

       How? do you catch stop the scrolling
      1.  Use an interesting  picture of a famous person, flower, pet, place   Post something unique.   Repost use of stock picture, or from internet is a no no
           Use a recent picture that is related to your topic or product..  Put a label or description,   (Sometimes you dont have to so that the reader
           scroller can be engaged

      2  Ask question, an intriguing question that will make him think and or be interested

     3.   Use an AIDA approach when you post or write a copy

            Attention -  the picture or headline

            Interest -   The body of the copy which piques or attracts the reader

            DESIRE -  put an offer which the reader cant refuse -   free, discounted,  limited offer, limited  stock

            ACTION -    call now, text or DM these numbers

           Magic words:   free economical, efficient, money back guarantee, instant replacement if defective, used by many

      4    FB posts

           1  Frequent and regular posting

               You get increase in visibility and number of likes and follower.   (We have noticed that a large number of sbus do not conform or obey this
               As per our memo made by RG, schedules of posts are:

              1.  Saturday -  videos of interment,  of paburol.   Videos and or reels, tiktoks draw in a lot of attention.  Share story too
              2.  Sunday  -  obits - express your sympathy as label of the pics
              3.  Tuesday -  all other best pictures

              Post at the core page -  #Holygardensphilippine network, and post subsequently at the Group.   The core posting count   The main page is devoid
              of posting by sbus.

         2.  Tags -   We see tags as green shirt, best pictures, pictureofcustomers etc    The hashtags are just like tagging a friend or relative, ie to let him see
                           the  picture you posted  Thus we must hashtag correctly.  It must be directed to well known posts or entities so that your post will
                           get noticed   A memo has been sent on this  The tags that might be worthwhile are on the posts you see   The default hash tags are:

                          #(your sbu)
                          # (your city  town)

                          We have included #dangwa flowers   What are other useful hashtags you can ad

      5.      Why do people buy:?

           1.  Emotional  not facts or data   As a car is bought not because of technical detais  or fuel economy but because it is big fast, sexy and is a status

           2.  Scarcity -   stock is limited, special offer not available else where

           3.  Extreme emotions that border on fear and terror if product is not bought

                   1.  Will you allow your family to freeze to death if you had a brown out and you did not have this device
                   2.  What if somebody launched an rpg at your office and your glass does not have this armour all film
                   3.   What is the security of your family if you go through an end of life process and you do not have a plan or insurance

8  Understanding the theme of a product or business

           It is usually expressed as a mission statement and summarized in a theme or tag  say:    Just remember, Loving is remembering 
           Celebrate a life  Understand that, put this into your heart and rally behind that   Your write ups, sales talk and actions should  revove 
           around that theme.

           The other term for that is the main value proposition   (mvp)      What pain does the product tend to remove and what gain does it give
           the customer?   We have to understand that so that we can sell

8.     What does a memorial park intend to do?  (the boasting rights, the brand)

                                  GAIN to had                                                     PAIN removal

                                 less preparation                                                sadness
                                 less worry for any eventuality                           loneliness - of losing a loved one
                                 assurance of burial ground                               technicalities and hassle of dying (dapat tayo                                                                                                                na kukuha ng death certificate)
                                 among friends and relatives                            aayusin ang damo at marker
                                 special and well maintained place                    food preparation to be taken care of
                                flowers and ceremonies to honor the beloved
                                obits tent, tributes, announcements

    It is not just about awareness, it is about availability.  The roads  drainage, gutter, grating are complete.  
    There are:

                          SECURITY SERENITY AND SAFETY

                         which our gt isg must work hard to deliver and provide persistently and daliy.   It cant be just talk talk  There has to be action
                         and solid support from the staff to keep our MVP (our brand alive)

     NB    All cmos in charge CSS please read and email your understanding  by February 12

Saturday, November 5, 2016

Why market leaders lose out to innovators?

From Josiah Go article at Inquirer Market Pulse

From Business Inquirer

Why as Cebu Pacific wrested the market share from PAL, Asias first  airline when it had the resources to launch such service, segment the market?  Or why has The Generic Pharmacy now outnumbered Mercury Drug outlets 2:1

Some answers:

1.  Company needs to protect financials.  Many see PHP spent on innovation as potential loss rather than potential profits;  (in gestation period, the new business can experience losses:

2.  Culture of complacency Success is the greatest enemy;  it breeds complacency

3.  Limited knowledge and methodology;   lack of understanding  of business model and see anything new as innovation

4.  Arrogance and pride (Pride goeth before the fall (hubris)

5.  Lack of strategic thinking

6.  Slow response to technological changes (lack of speed)

7.  Lack of idea channel (suggestion system bottoms up communication

8.  Internal inefficiency;  not process oriented lack of quality, or even squabbles that hinders the growth

9.  Lack of marketing talent in the team

10.  Inability to be a visionary to see the big picture.  While focusing now and operational efficiency, the future, the direction of the company is forgotten

Friday, August 26, 2016

Filipino entrepreneur at Silicon Valley

Every generation needs a revolution - an entrepreneurial revolution

Rizal Philippines
August 26, 2026

A Filipino entrepreneur is making waves these days.  His name is Alan Carascaso who heads a company that matches funders with start ups. (Match up Commerce?)  He was featured at CNN this morning.

His advice to tycoon wannabees:

1.  Have compelling vision (some say mesmerizing, enchanting) main value proposition
2.  Execute well

For this you need a great team, and even search for mentors to help you succeed.

Sunday, April 24, 2016

MBAH has new head - Dra Gloan Adolor

Rizal Philippines
April 24, 2016

I joined the MBAH faculty meeting called for by Dra. Gloan Adolor who teaches at AMSPH and was a former student at MBAH. In a strange twist of things, 7 years ago she was student and I was senior to her, 7 years later, I am reporting to her.  She invited me to join the meeting as she presented the vision for the MBAH.  I was apprehensive about the growing unpopularity and phasing out of senior professors the GSB. She said though that we/the seniors are welcome, because there is a group of MBAH students who are in the 40 -50 age category and presumably they will listen only to the seniors only

I taught about 4 classes of MBAH and I enjoyed it, as the students mostly doctors probably did too. I was able to tweak the syllabus to make it interesting to MDs, being a former detailman of the largest drug company in the Phl.  This gave me a familiarity with behavior the wants and needs of Drs.  And I have two uncles who are MDs, a sister who is an MD in the US and an x. In the other classes in Clark,there are many MDs who not finding MBAH in Clark, are taking up Regis MBA

Some comments:

1. Dr. Gloanne said that the MBA H should strive to develop 3 modes of thinking:  critical, creative, and spiritual.  In the entrep classes I held, had the three of them developed:   creativity via the business plan,  and submission of new 6 or new 12 as the case may be, critical thinking in case analysis and oral recitation, and spiritual in opening class prayer

2.  On the MBA having split personality.  On one hand we want our students to seize opportunity, to maximize to glorify PHP, but on the other hand, on the other breadth we want them to give them all away.  Or share It does not stand well in the path of wannabees.  But we see from examples of Buffet, Gates, Mother Teresa, and somebody who gave away $250 million for cancer research that it gives them extreme joy to leave a legacy for humanity and to make this world much better.  In Clark, I saw such doctors who has that passion of sharing even before they joined Ateneo

3.  There were complaints from other faculty about new rules that were rather petty and disincentive to current more experienced mentors

Saturday, May 17, 2014

Ateneo GSB should be the best alternative for studying MBA abroad

Rizal Philippines   |  May 17, 2014

The Central Management Cluster, headed by Prof Dr. Manny Fong met with the new Dean Rudy Ang (he does not want to be called Sir or Dean but simply Rudy) met with some of the Central Cluster Management faculty for the first time since he took over.

These are some of his wish list:

1.  To make the Ateneo GSB as second best alternative for studying abroad.  

   This means taking in full time students and partnering with many best Jesuit Schools worldwide (Dean Ang is the president of the Association of the Jesuit Schools and this is his first year)

2.  To be in markets where Ateneo GSB would make a difference rather than just making money

Areas of concern:

1.  Administrative matters -  quality of work, inputs of administrative staff

2.  Program directors for various programs so that growth and quality of the programs are taken care of.

    1.  Why is MM headcount declining?

    2.  What is the difference between Regis and MM

    3. Why is there a 4 session Regis in Cebu and Iloilo?  Why are we giving GSB credits for seminar like sessions?

3.  Admission

Friday, April 18, 2014

A One-Page Business Plan in 5 Steps; start writing your vision and mission statement

For rapid prototyping and business acceleration, you need rapid planning.  And really tycoons plan their businesses at the back of the envelope (at least the business model)  Why cant you.

But you really need a full blown business plan to flesh out details (especially the marketing and the operational processes. You cant afford not to have one.

This is very similar to the advice of Brian Tracy on how to be productive:  He said know your goal, write it down, write down your action plan.

This entrepreneur guide tells:

1.  Start with a vision

2.  Write your vision statement

Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Short and sweet vision and mission statements

Every business must have one:  how you do business now (mission) and how your business will be several years hence (vision)  The difference between vision and mission is the timeline.  Vision is futuristic, mission for here and now.  They are the beacon/lighthouse for the business owners and its employees and stakeholders.  They keep the business and its owners motivated and going.

Need complicated and long winded mission vision statements?  Naw you need to keep them short and sweet.  And direct to the point  you need to communicate this pound this every day in your organization and make your organization have a shared vision (Your high school graduate staff could not memorize a 2 page 1000 word mission statement

Sunday, March 30, 2014

Conference with doctors today on their vision, mission statements and their organization

Rizal  Philippine March 30 2014

                                           Group picture

We had a meeting with a group of 17 doctors who are currently putting a 4th level hospital (training hospital) in Antipolo City along Marcos Highway.  We were to wrestle with their Vision and Mission statements. With the group wereformer MBAH students Dr. Agdamag, Dr. Tucay ( a cardiologist at PHC)  and Dr Eli (who sat in with MBAH batch 10an entrep classes.) We had to accomplish 3 tasks:  powerpoint on VMOKRAPI, the organization chart, and the VM statement.